
以前用java写过一个同样的工具。现在想起当时对编程还是缺乏经验,对于出错处理,文本识别方面考虑不周,写的也不够规范。附上java版sql 工具。以供自己警记。

public void executeSql(String sql, HttpServletResponse response)
   throws ServletException, IOException {

   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
   try {
     Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:JavaWeb");
     System.out.println("got connection");

Should I Keep the Connection Open?


All the examples given up to this point in this chapter have closed the Connection object after the servlet services the request. However, you might ask the following question: If the servlet is called more than once and it opens a Connection object with the same arguments (url, user, and password) each time, wouldn’t it better to leave the Connection object open for future use; that is, for when the servlet is called again?
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